Pull over for local traffic. Do not hold up vehicles behind you.
Do not park along the Hana Highway in spaces that are not designated parking stalls.
Visit State parks and County parks for access to bathroom facilities, do not use the roadsides or forest as restrooms.
Enjoy the various farms, botanical gardens and fruit stands along the way, do not trespass on private property.
Avoid sites located on or beyond private properties, and do not attempt to access areas that lack visitor welcoming signage. Visit to review their business directory which features activities and accommodations in the region. Support local businesses on your visit.
Park in designated parking stalls. Vehicles protruding onto the highway are subject to being ticketed and towed. Do not create traffic hazards or contribute to delays for residents. This roadway is utilized by supply hauling companies, school buses and first responders.
No walking on Hana Highway, visit sites and attractions with permitted, legal and safe parking only. The highway is a major transient route with a large volume of traffic commuting in both directions. It isn’t safe to walk along Hana Highway, Do not stand on the bridges.
Do not enter streams on occasions of heavy rains and flash flooding conditions, drownings can, and do occur. Avoid Hana Highway when it is raining to avoid potential landslides.
Please respect the ‘Aina (land) by picking up any trash and placing trash in proper receptacles. Stay on the paths, respect the wildlife and plants, do not take rocks or sand.
Enjoy the beauty of East Maui but please do not exploit or monetize the cultural sites on social media. Avoid publishing content that exposes the location of sites located on or beyond private property that have been known to incur visitor injuries and fatalities.
CLICK HERE, to see the Hana Business Council’s list of activities and accommodations in Hana.